- No lo puedo llevar en cabina en el avión, así que cuando llegue a mi destino y lo pueda sacar de la maleta ya me vió medio mundo.
- Es blanco, mi cabello es negro...
- Es súper escandaloso, si voy en un camión con gente dormida y me quiero poner, huele muchísimo y todos escuchan pffffttttt (hey mi cabeza está sucia, véanme!!)
I've always said it, I have a greasy scalp and there's no solution for that. Some days I would like my hair to rest from all that daily washing but I really can't and I don't like it. In those really extreme times when I absolutely have no way of washing my hair I have used dry shampoo, I've taken it on trips but I don't find it so practical for tthe next reasons:
- I can't take it on the airplane cabin with me, so by the time I arrive to my destiny and I'm able to take it out the whole world already saw my ugly hair.
- It's white, my hair is black...
- It's so scandalous, if I'm on a bus full of sleeping people how can I hide the loud pfffttsss noise and the strong smell (hey my hair is dirty and I'm trying to clean it!! Look at me!!).
Así que bueno últimamente he optado por una solución más portátil y discreta. Es muy simple... talco de bebé. ALELUYA, ALELUYA!! Sí, es tan sencillo, me hace feliz sólo pensarlo :D Ahora para mis viajes sólo lleno un pequeño botecito de talco y me lo aplico en las partes que necesito, lo peino y taraaan!! Huele bien, absorbe la grasa y sí es blanco, pero bueno al menos no pagaste por algo extra (además pronto se desaparece). Tiene el mismo efecto con la ventaja de que es algo que probablemente ya tienes en tu casa y no te va a delatar con nadie. Ahí me cuentan que tal les fue, saludos!
So yeah, lately I've been going for a more discrete and portable solution. It's so simple... baby powder (talc). HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH!! Yep, it's so simple it makes me happy thinking about it :D Now on my trips I just fill some small bottle with powder and I apply it to my problem area and brush it, tadaaa! It's smells great, it absorbs oil and well, yeah it's white but hey! at least you didn't pay extra for it (and don't worry it disappears fast). It has the same effect as dry shampoo with the advantage that you probably already have this in your house and it really won't give you away to anyone. Tell me how it goes for you, greetings!

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